Mama Patierno's Italian Dressing recipe feature image

Mama’s Italian Salad Dressing

Patierno family and friends always preferred Mama’s homemade Italian Salad Dressing over store-bought dressings.  It not only tastes better but is healthier, with less salt, no sugar, and primarily organic ingredients.  This recipe fills a 16 oz container nicely and typically makes 3 to 5 large salad bowl servings.  Mama liked light olive oil and white distilled vinegar best but changed it up at times with extra virgin olive oil and white wine vinegar or red wine vinegar.

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Mama Patierno's Italian Dressing recipe on the Salad.Ingredients:
  • 2 tbs Mama Patierno’s Organic Italian Seasoning
  • 1 ¾ cup organic light olive oil (or for a stronger taste use EVOO)
  • ½ cup organic white distilled vinegar (or white wine vinegar)
  • ¼ tsp onion powder
  • ½ tsp garlic salt
  • 1/6 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 1 tbs lemon juice
Mama Patierno's Italian Dressing recipe image.Optional Ingredients To Taste :
  • ½ tbs grated parmesan cheese
  • 3 minced garlic cloves
NOTE:  Try this dressing with Mama’s Italian Salad recipe too or to make a quick and simple tomato salad
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