Mama Patierno's Italian Salad made with Mama's Italian Dressing recipe.

Mama’s Italian Salad Recipe

Family and friends always look forward to Mama’s cool, refreshing and flavorful Italian Salad at gatherings.  Together with Mama’s Italian Salad Dressing recipe, your family and friends too will rave.  First you’ll need to make the dressing here. Mama used organic iceberg lettuce, or arugula, together with fresh tomatoes, castelvetrano olives, julienne strips of imported provolone, salami, and other ingredients listed below. Serves 2 to 3 people (double ingredient portions to serve 4 to 6 people).

Mama Patierno's Italian Dressing recipe on the Salad.Ingredients:
  • ½ head of organic iceberg lettuce (or equivalent portion of arugula) previously chilled in refrigerator
  • 2 large tomatoes
  • ½ large, sweet, or red onion to taste
  • 4 deli slices of salami
  • 3 deli slices of imported provolone
  • 12 Castelvetrano olives
  • ¼ cup grated parmesan
  • ¼ cup Mama’s Italian Salad Dressing or more to taste
  • 3 to 4 minced garlic cloves to taste (if you didn’t already include in Mama’s Italian Salad Dressing)
How to Make:
  • Chop the iceberg lettuce and place in a salad bowl
  • Cut each tomato into 6 pieces and add to bowl
  • Dice the onion and add to bowl
  • Add the olives and minced garlic to the bowl
  • Cut the salami and provolone into thin julienne slices and then cut each julienne slice in half
  • Add the grated parmesan and stir all ingredients
  • Just before serving, add Mama’s Italian Salad Dressing (or your other favorite dressing) and stir thoroughly


Add fresh pepper to taste (Mama’s Italian Seasoning does include pepper, but if you like pepper go ahead and add more!)

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